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Who We Are

AG平台是一家技术驱动的全球建筑设计公司, engineering, planning and technology expertise. 我们跨学科合作,通过智能系统定义未来的城市, sustainable buildings, and efficient infrastructure, shaping the way people live, move, learn and heal. With more than 3,500 employees and 60+ offices around the world, 我们了解如何在本地开展业务,并在全球范围内扩大规模. 

On September 27, 2022, IBI Group joined Arcadis, 可持续设计的全球领导者, engineering, 为自然和建筑资产提供咨询解决方案. Together, with passionate thinkers, designers and engineers across 70 countries, Arcadis AG平台的综合实力为提供新的客户解决方案提供了前所未有的机会, while defining the cities of tomorrow, together. Our digitally-driven expertise will 改变我们的行业,为我们的客户提供创新, 面向未来的技术支持解决方案以及以人为本的卓越设计. Together, we’re a stronger and more resilient business, 致力于为客户提高生活质量, 人们、合作伙伴和我们所服务的社区.

Our Corporate Responsibility

我们的企业社会责任与我们的经营方式密不可分,并根植于我们的社会责任中 core values.

Learn more about our Corporate Responsibility

Our People

我们的团队是一个由全球城市设计专家组成的团队, architecture, engineering, civil, transportation, urban geography, real estate, landscape, communications, software development and so much more. 这些人定义了未来的城市.

Meet Our People

Leadership Team

Our Senior Management team and Board of Directors 是否由专业实践领导者和行业专家组成,指导我们公开交易的全球公司的运营, and more importantly, 为我们的客户描绘未来城市令人信服的愿景, investors and partners.

Meet our Leadership Team

Our History

AG平台成立于1974年,由9位合伙人组成,为城市发展和交通规划设计提供专业服务. Even then, 我们坚持不懈地专注于整合我们所有不同的学科,为客户提供更全面的解决方案.

从多伦多和温哥华最初的两个办公室, AG平台在北美已发展到60多个办事处, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, with more than 3,000 employees.

In 2000, 我们通过收购和2004年经历了战略增长, 随着IBI收益基金的成立,该公司上市了. 该基金已转变为一家公司- AG平台有限公司. – at the end of 2010.

Mission, Vision and Values


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IBI Group Entities


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ISO Registrations


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